Integration with bulk RNA-seq data#

A current limitation of single-cell datasets is the high cost, low sample size and often the lack of associated clinical information. On the other hand bulk RNA-seq experiments are comparatively cheap, and vast amounts of experimental data has accumulated in public repositories, including large-scale datasets with thousands of samples. This motivates integrating bulk RNA-seq data with cell-type information from single-cell RNA-seq datasets.


Deconvolution methods allow to infer cell-type proportions from bulk RNA-seq datasets based on reference signatures. Methods such as CIBERSORTx [Newman et al., 2019], DWLS [Tsoucas et al., 2019] or MuSiC [Wang et al., 2019] can build such reference signatures based on single-cell RNA-seq datasets. The derived cell-type fractions can be tested for associations with clinical data. In Pournara et al. [2023], the authors provide an overview and a comparative benchmark of such methods.

Alternatively, Scissor [Sun et al., 2022] works independent of predefined cell-populations and tests for each cell if it is positively or negatively associated with phenotypic information (e.g. survival data or driver mutations) that comes with bulk RNA-seq datasets. To do so, it calculates Pearson correlation of each cell’s gene expression profile with the bulk RNA-seq data and uses a L1-constrained linear model to explain the phenotypic information with the correlation values.

Even though Scissor has the advantage that it works independent of known cell-types, it comes with several limitations, namely:

  • it is computationally expensive (can run hours on a single sample)

  • it does not natively take biological replicates into account (we circumvent that by running scissor independently on each patient)

  • it does not allow to model covariates (e.g. sex, age)

In Salcher et al. [2022], we used Scissor to test associations of certain driver mutations with certain cell-types. In this example, we are going to demonstrate how to use Scissor for testing the effect of EGFR mutation on cell-type composition in LUAD.

1. Import the required libraries#

import os
from subprocess import run

import altair as alt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scanpy as sc
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map

import atlas_protocol_scripts as aps

2. Load input data#

  1. Load the annotated AnnData object

adata_path = "../../data/input_data_zenodo/atlas-integrated-annotated.h5ad"
adata = sc.read_h5ad(adata_path)
  1. Define the paths to the bulk data.

    • The bulk data must be a rds file containing a matrix samples in column names and gene symbols in row names containing untransformed TPM values.

    • The metadata must be a TSV file where one column contains the sample identifiers used as rownames of the TPM matrix.

tcga_tpm_matrix_path = "../../data/input_data_zenodo/nsclc_primary_tumor.rds"
tcga_metadata_path = "../../data/input_data_zenodo/clinical_data_for_scissor.tsv"
  1. Define the paths to the scripts for Scissor and h5ad conversion. These scripts are shipped as part of the atlas_protocol repo.

scissor_script_path = "../../bin/scissor_single_sample.R"
h5ad_to_sce_script_path = "../../bin/"
  1. Create output directories

out_dir = "../../results/scissor"
!mkdir -p {out_dir}/{{sce,h5ad,scissor_res}}

3. Export single-cell data for R#

The scissor script requires single-cell data to be stored as a rds file containing a SingleCellExperiment object with raw counts.

  1. Subset the anndata object to the samples of interest. Since we compare to the TCGA primary tumor samples, we exclude normal samples from the single-cell dataset as well.

adata_tumor = adata[adata.obs["origin"] == "tumor_primary", :].copy()
  1. Define the list of biological replicates. Scissor will be run on each sample individually.

patients = adata_tumor.obs["patient"].unique()
  1. For each patient, store the single-cell data as h5ad object.

for patient in patients:
    tmp_adata = adata_tumor[adata_tumor.obs["patient"] == patient, :].copy()
  1. Convert h5ad files to rds files using the script. We use process_map to perform the conversion in parallel.

def _convert_to_sce(patient):

_ = process_map(_convert_to_sce, patients)

4. Run Scissor#


We created a command-line script that automatically runs scissor on a single sample. In summary, it performs the following steps:

  • filter the metadata as specified

  • preprocess the single-cell using Seurat

  • perform binomial or CoxPH regression, respectively

  • perform a grid search on the alpha parameter

A step-by-step tutorial demonstrating how to run Scissor manually while explaining all the individual steps is available from the package website.

  1. Inspect the help page of the scissor script

!{scissor_script_path} --help
Warning message:
package ‘conflicted’ was built under R version 4.2.2 
?25hWarning message:
package ‘docopt’ was built under R version 4.2.1 

    scissor_single_sample.R --bulk_tpm=<bulk_tpm> --sce=<sce> --metadata=<metadata> [options]

Mandatory options:
    --bulk_tpm=<bulk_tpm>       Bulk gene expression as matrix with TPM values (not log transformed!) in rds format
    --sce=<sce>                 SingleCellExperiment in rds format. Must contain raw UMI counts in `X`.
    --metadata=<metadata>       Samplesheet with metadata in TSV format. Binary variables need to be encoded as 0 and 1. Non 0/1 values will be discarded.

The program will take the intersection of the <sample_col> in <metadata> and the colnames of <bulk_tpm>.

Optional options:
    --column=<column>               Column with binary variable for binomial regression
    --filter_col=<filter_col>       Column by which to filter the samples
    --filter_val=<filter_val>       Only keep rows in the metadata with this value in `filter_col`
    --surv_time=<surv_time>         Column with survival time for coxph regression. Must be combined with --surv_status
    --surv_status=<surv_status>     Column with survival status for coxpy regression.
    --sample_col=<sample_col>       Column in <metadata> with sample identifier (must match colnames of <bulk_tpm>) [default: sample_id]
    --out_dir=<out_dir>             Output directory 
  1. Run the scissor script on each rds file generated above

def _run_scissor(patient):
    tmp_out_dir = f"{out_dir}/scissor_res/{patient}"
    os.makedirs(tmp_out_dir, exist_ok=True)
    # fmt: off
    res = run(
            "--bulk_tpm", tcga_tpm_matrix_path,
            "--sce", f"{out_dir}/sce/{patient}.rds",
            "--metadata", tcga_metadata_path,
            "--column", "egfr_mutation",
            "--filter_col", "type", "--filter_val", "LUAD",
            "--sample_col", "TCGA_patient_barcode",
            "--out_dir", f"{out_dir}/scissor_res/{patient}",
    # fmt: on

    # Write STDERR and STDOUT to log file
    with open(f"{tmp_out_dir}/{patient}.out", "wb") as f:
    with open(f"{tmp_out_dir}/{patient}.err", "wb") as f:
    return res

scissor_log = process_map(_run_scissor, patients)
  1. Check if scissor could be executed successfully on all samples


The scissor script may fail on some samples. We can ignore these samples and proceed with the downstream analysis.

The most common reason is that a single sample has too few cells for the automatic Seurat preprocessing to complete successfully. We recommend inspecting the log files written to the output directory for each failed sample.

for patient, log in zip(patients, scissor_log):
    if log.returncode != 0:
        print(f"patient '{patient}' failed!")
patient 'Maynard_Bivona_2020_TH158' failed!
patient 'Maynard_Bivona_2020_TH169' failed!

5. Load scissor results#

For each sample, scissor generates a tsv file with a label for each cell. The label can be either “scissor+” (i.e. the cell is positively associated with the phenotype of interest), “scissor-” (i.e. negatively associated), or “NA” (i.e. not associated).

  1. read the tsv files generated by the scissor script

scissor_res = {}
for patient in patients:
        scissor_res[patient] = pd.read_csv(
    except OSError:
        print(f"no result found for '{patient}'!")
no result found for 'Maynard_Bivona_2020_TH158'!
no result found for 'Maynard_Bivona_2020_TH169'!
  1. Assign the results back to the AnnData object.

adata_tumor.obs["scissor_egfr"] = pd.concat(scissor_res.values())
  1. Assign cells that are neither “scissor+” nor “scissor-” cells the label “neutral”

adata_tumor.obs["scissor_egfr"].fillna("neutral", inplace=True)

6. Visualize on UMAP#
    palette={"scissor+": "blue", "scissor-": "red", "neutral": "lightgrey"},

7. Statistical comparison#

  1. For each patient and cell-type, compute the fraction of “scissor+”, “scissor-” and “neutral” cells

scissor_fractions = (
    # make data frame of scissor+/scissor-/neutral counts for each patient and cell-type
    adata_tumor.obs.groupby(["cell_type", "patient", "scissor_egfr"])
    # keep only samples with > 10 cells
    .loc[lambda x: x.apply(lambda row: np.sum(row), axis=1) > 10]
    # normalize to fractions per sample
    .apply(lambda row: row / np.sum(row), axis=1)
scissor_egfr neutral scissor+ scissor-
cell_type patient
Alveolar cell type 1 Lambrechts_Thienpont_2018_6653_8 0.351351 0.621622 0.027027
Maynard_Bivona_2020_TH226 0.694444 0.083333 0.222222
Maynard_Bivona_2020_TH236 0.272727 0.727273 0.000000
Alveolar cell type 2 Lambrechts_Thienpont_2018_6653_6 0.157895 0.052632 0.789474
Lambrechts_Thienpont_2018_6653_7 0.272727 0.272727 0.454545
... ... ... ... ...
transitional club/AT2 Maynard_Bivona_2020_TH179 0.647059 0.235294 0.117647
Maynard_Bivona_2020_TH226 0.763636 0.181818 0.054545
Maynard_Bivona_2020_TH238 0.647059 0.147059 0.205882
UKIM-V_P2 0.666667 0.148148 0.185185
UKIM-V_P3 0.416667 0.250000 0.333333

237 rows × 3 columns

  1. For each cell-type, perform a wilcoxon test to compare the fractions of “scissor+” and “scissor-” cells and compute the log2 ratio of fractions

scissor_test_results = (
cell_type scissor+ scissor- pvalue log2_ratio fdr
0 Alveolar cell type 1 0.477409 0.083083 0.500000 2.522600 0.750000
1 Alveolar cell type 2 0.230401 0.238087 0.964541 -0.047341 1.000000
2 B cell 0.101690 0.108632 0.722283 -0.095278 0.938968
3 B cell dividing 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 inf 1.000000
4 Ciliated 0.273302 0.207609 0.625000 0.396624 0.840517
  1. Filter the results to keep only cell-types with an FDR smaller than a specified threshold

scissor_test_results_filtered = scissor_test_results.loc[lambda x: x["fdr"] < 0.1]

8. Plot results as bar chart using altair#

order = scissor_test_results_filtered.sort_values("log2_ratio")["cell_type"].tolist()
max_ = np.max(np.abs(scissor_test_results_filtered["log2_ratio"]))
        x=alt.X("cell_type", sort=order, axis=alt.Axis(labelLimit=400)),
        y=alt.Y("log2_ratio", scale=alt.Scale(domain=[-5.5, 5.5])),
        color=alt.Color("log2_ratio", scale=alt.Scale(scheme="redblue", domain=[-max_, max_])),